If your data is too large, We want you to leave an email. Other wise we recommend downloading the command-line version of MRMD3.0 from github and
using it on a better configured machine.Ref:If 5000<=samples/features<=10000
it may take hours or even days
If the sample is greater than 10000
Parameters (see detail manual)
- start_index:
The first feature of the feature selection interval(defalut 1)
- end_index:
The last feature of the feature selection interval(defalut -1)
- length:
stride of feature selection(defalut 1)
- top_n:
select top n features to chart (defalut 15,violin plot, heatmap, stem map).
- dimensions:
set the number of features for feature selection, which is automatically calculated by default and does not need to be set
- classifier :
Classifier to use when inferring the number of features via IFS(default randomforest)
- rank method :
PageRank = 1,HITS:Authority = 2,HITS:Hub = 3,LeaderRank = 4,TrustRank=5
- evaluate metric :
evaluate metric(f1_score(default), accuracy, precision, recall,auc)
File Type:
Supported data file formats are arff,libsvm or csv
If you have any problems,please contact me.