Download dataset

To facilite the relevent research,We provide a sample of the data set here. Please refer to the sample format for your data set to use.
If necessary, you can download it by clicking the download button below.

experimental data:   Download

Example(Your file format should look like the following form):

class feature1 feature2 feature3 feature4
1 0.130742 0.156566 0.134454 0.188119
1 0.125861 0.1456478 0.745411 0.145791
0 0.145269 0.521744 0.257617 0.346172
0 0.369453 0.216412 0.152212 0.126243
@relation NAME
@attribute feature1 numeric
@attribute feature2 numeric
@attribute feature3 numeric
@attribute feature4 numeric
@attribute class { 0,1 }
0.130742 0.156566 0.134454 0.188119 1
0.125861 0.1456478 0.745411 0.145791 1
0.145269 0.521744 0.257617 0.346172 0
0.369453 0.216412 0.152212 0.126243 0
1 1:0.130742 2:0.156566 3:0.134454 4:0.188119
1 1:0.125861 2:0.145648 3:0.745411 4:0.145791
0 1:0.145269 2:0.521744 3:0.257617 4:0.346172
0 1:0.369453 2:0.216412 3:0.152212 4:0.126243